Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Wright State, Right University

Why did I choose Wright State University?  I can tell you this; I didn’t apply many different places.  The main reason I chose WSU was because it was close enough to home that I could commute and not live on campus.  My junior year of high school, it came to my attention that a college education isn’t cheap in any way.  Going to Wright State would definitely cut down on college debt.  My brother went away to a private college and he stayed in for two years and he has more debt than I would have if I went to graduate school at WSU.  I am happy with my choice of Wright State, its all school in the long run.  I hear that college is the best four years of a person’s life, I don’t see it.  College is just going to class, meeting a minimum amount of people, and making barely any friends.  It’s OK though, I’m paying for education, not all the extra stuff that usually comes with it.  I have gone and visited other friends at their schools and the huge college party scene isn’t what I am about.  Of course I like to get down and have a good time, but the kids at other colleges are obsessed with getting wasted and that is their first priority.  I plan on finishing my whole college education here in Fairborn, Ohio.  Wright State is a great school and I recommend it for anyone who is looking to go to college.  It’s a small campus and easy to navigate, and in the winter you don’t have to walk to class outside!
"Education is a social process. Education is growth. Education is, not a preparation for life; education is life itself. "   --John Dewey


  1. I agree with everything you said. Wright State is a good, affordable college. And the tunnels are great for people like you and me who are too precious to trudge through the snow as we make our way to classes.

  2. Everything you said was the same reason I am attending Wright State. Cheap, close enough to commute, and the social atmosphere.

  3. Seems like all good reasons to me, but you can still make friends, I'll volunteer as your first new contact in class :)
