Thursday, June 2, 2011

"Why do you love me? ...........I still love technology"

What is the reason that technology has become such a big part of our lives.  Maybe it is because doing everything manually is too much work.  Technology definitely makes tasks in life easier.  If I have to research something, it is much easier to search something on the web than to look something up in a book.  Technology is definitely a good thing.  It is used to make many breakthroughs in the world.  Scientists and doctors use computers and other types of technology every day.    Can technology be a bad thing though?  In my opinion, some people rely way too much on technology.  Could you imagine the chaos there would be if all the cell phones in the world were shut off for a week.  People wouldn’t know what to do with themselves, which is sad.   Schools aren’t even making students get text books in classes, because they have online editions.  Yes it saves paper to do things this way, but this day and age, children don’t ever read books.  I have met children who have never read a chapter book, but they definitely have played the latest xbox game.  When do we draw the line on technology. 

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