Thursday, April 28, 2011

Facebook: Friend of Foe?

Facebook has become the most popular social network in the world in the past few years.  It has become so popular it inspired a movie that was a number one hit in the box office.  I have had a facebook for the past couple years.  Personally I’m not the biggest fan of facebook.  Honestly a facebook is good if you just meet a girl and you want to send her a message or connect with a long lost friend.  I usually delete my facebook, and then end up reactivating it to talk to someone or see an event.  I think that people should only be friends with who they actually interact with.  All of my friends are actively talking to me.  I have about one hundred and sixty friends.  If you have more friends than you actually have, you just have extra people creeping on your profile.   A big controversy of facebooks is employers looking at your profile.  What’s the big deal, if you post it, you shouldn’t be afraid to have people look at it.  Depending on the job, I think that it is completely appropriate for employers to look at the profile.  Now if it is an employer of a pizza place, they shouldn’t look.  If it is a federal employee or a state employee then yes, look away employers.  We want the best people doing certain jobs, so there can’t be fake people guarding the streets of our city or nation.  Facebooks can be alright, just don’t let them take over your life.

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