Sunday, April 24, 2011

"Why do you want to be a cop?"

A question a probably receive three out of the four times I tell somebody my major.  My major is intended to be Criminal Justice.  I chose criminal justice because I want to be a police officer, as you can see in the title.  For years, almost all of my life I have been jumping back and forth between whether or not I wanted to be an educator or a police officer.  I came in to college with the intent of being a teacher, but we all see how long that lasted.  Just being a freshman, I have plenty of time to figure out what I want to do.  I am pretty certain I would like to be a police officer.  I have wanted to be in the military at one point in my life, but since I am diabetic, the military will not take me.  I figure being on a police force is just like military.  Protecting people and serving the community is such a respectable career.  So many people my age dislike cops very much, but why?  I can tell you; it is because they are doing things they shouldn’t be doing and they are being stupid when they do it.  I know cops on the Centerville police force and they said they don’t know where parties are until neighbors call about it being too loud.  Cops aren’t dicks; they are just doing their jobs.  I plan on getting my bachelor’s degree from Wright State then move back down to Virginia Beach and try to get a job down on my old towns force.

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